Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tuesday - Daddy or Jeff?

Gracie awoke bright and early at 6:00 a.m. She was in a much better mood today, although very clingy this morning. We did alot of snuggling and rocking. After her bath she was much better and we played with toys and just had a good morning.

At lunch time I made both Gracie and I a chicken patty. I cut hers up and put it on her plate and all was fine until I arrived at the table with my whole patty in a bun. Now mind you, Gracie was also given a bun, but that wasn't good enough, she needed the full sandwich. After she made it very clear that she was not going to eat what was on her plate because she wanted my sandwich, I cut it in half and gave it to her. To my surprise, she did quite well with it. I had to watch her like a hawk because she puts way too much in her mouth at a time. She is getting to be such a big girl...and independent.

After lunch, Gracie took an hour nap and then was good to go. We headed to the clinic for her occupational therapy session. We got there a little early so stopped in to say "hi" to Auntie Sheila. Then to peds where she was oohed and aahed over...she had on her Vikings Favre jersey and piggytails. She did good at OT. She just keeps getting stronger and stronger and is really doing well. Her biggest challenge is that she gets distracted very easily. Her therapist commented that she wasn't surprised by this as she has this charisma that people just naturally gravitate to her and she works the room. She is definitely a social child. As we were leaving, Dr. N, Gracie's beloved neurologist appeared. Gracie immediately ran to her and took her hand. Dr. N. was so sweet and walked us out to the elevators. We are so lucky to have her as Gracie's doctor.

Jeff took Gracie home while I worked a little -- had to close timecards so there will be paychecks next week. Gracie was very inconsolable that mommy didn't go home with her. Jeff said that once they got home she was still inconsolable for about 30 minutes, the whole time crying for mommy. Uh-oh. She was a very happy girl once I arrived home and was in a good mood all evening.

Tonight I was giving Gracie a piggyback ride and she looked at Jeff and referred to him as "Jeff" not daddy. At first I thought it a fluke as her pronouciation of words isn't always perfectly defined. Sure enough she called him "Jeff" again. It cracked us both up. I thought I called Jeff "daddy" more than "Jeff" around the house, but I guess little ears are picking up on Jeff. She said "Jeff" about 10 times.

She fell asleep quickly tonight and is sleeping peacefully. I'm looking forward to another fun day with her tomorrow.

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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