Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tuesday - Dad watch, day #2

Hello again. This is day #2 of Jeff the Dad staying home with Gracie. So far no major injuries or broken bones, so we must be doing okay.

Today was another fun day. The major activity was going to the clinic to see our physical medicine doctor. Grace was happy to see her and was very cooperative, doing everything she was supposed to do (yay!). Our doctor gave us some suggestions for some new programs for Grace to get plugged into while we are decreasing her "formal" therapy appointments. The high point of the day was her telling us that Gracie no longer needs to wear her orthotic braces. HOORAY!!! We are so pleased to hear that. Grace tolerated the braces, but I don't think she really liked them very much. This is also helpful as it gives her feet more mobility, allowing her to do things like stand on her tip-toes, for example.

Grace also learned a new word today. This word she learned from dad - she said . . . are you ready? . . . "DUDE!" I don't remember what we were doing, but I said, "Oh dude!" and I heard a little voice say, "dude." Hmm - a quick check - I said, "dude" again - and a second time, "dude" came out of her mouth. I had to laugh out loud. Of course, she has no idea what it means, but that . . . is a detail.

It was a good night, with Gracie playing with both mom and dad. Followed by some snuggly time and then off to bed - where she now resides.

Good night to all.

Jeff, Lisa, and Gracie

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