Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wednesday - Not Feeling Great

Gracie had a really rough night. She has come down with a cold and couldn't breathe while laying down. She tossed and turned and cried out. About 11:30 p.m. she had a night terror. After I got her calmed from that, she just couldn't get comfortable. I finally propped myself up to a sitting position and propped her up on me and that is how she slept for the rest of the night. I got a few winks, but I'm hoping for a more restful night for all of us tonight.

Gracie was in a good mood on the way to daycare and did have a few tears when I left this morning. She did not feel good today, she didn't have much of an appetite, her nose continued to run, and she was pulling at her ear quite a bit. So we got an evening appointment at pediatrics to check for an ear infection. Thankfully she checked out fine. One of her ear tubes is making it's way out of her ear canal slowly and the nurse practitioner thought the pressure in her ear from the cold was irritating it. Now my hope is that she didn't pick up any other germs while she was watching the fish in the waiting area. Especially when I caught her kissing the fish tank. GROSS!

We picked up McDonald's fast food on the way home for supper. This is a rarity, but since it was so late we thought fast food would be better than cooking and Gracie was hungry....the fruit and cereal bar was not cutting it. I got a garden salad and Gracie insisted on sharing it with me...and loved it. I have to watch her very closely and can only give her small pieces, but she thought she was so cool eating salad with mommy.

She was in a good mood tonight, although a little more impatient. She is now asleep and I think Jeff and I will be joining her very shortly.

Sweet Dreams.

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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