Saturday, January 23, 2010

Saturday - Home Sweet Home

Gracie had a great night up until 3 a.m. and then she tossed and turned, would continually wake up. This lasted until she woke up for the day at 6:30 a.m. She was quite moody this morning. When she was happy, she was very happy, when she didn't get her way, she was very not happy.

Gracie's G.I. system has been acting up lately and she has been having issues with constipation, so I think that was part of her mood issues and she was acting pretty tired. Once she was able to do some business she felt better.

Jeff left for band practice and some errands around 9:30 a.m. and Gracie and I hung out. She was in a great mood, happy, engaging, and oh my goodness have we seen a burst of cognitive skills with her latest seizure med increase. She had so many new signs today, as well as verbal words, I can't keep up. She also put a number of signs together - "all done" and "sleep" for when she was done with her nap and wanted to get out of bed, "more" and "milk" and there were a few more. She is also pointing more and answering questions correctly. We were talking about hair and she showed us hers, and daddy showed us his, and then Jeff asked Gracie where mommy's hair was and she was able to show us.

Gracie is also quite the helper. Today she helped me sweep the kitchen floor, and she loves to put laundry in the dryer for me. Unfortunately for me, today Gracie started putting some clothes in the dryer from the dirty clothes basket. Oops.

Gracie took a two hour nap today. After 30 minutes of sleeping, she came stomping out of her room with the sleepiest mad face I have ever seen on her. I scooped her up and took her back to bed and layed down with her. She fell back to sleep in seconds. I wish I would have captured that mad face.

Gracie loves drinking out of a big glass and we usually let her at the dinner table at night, knowing there will be some messes to clean up. Tonight we were both amazed as she just chugged the liquid down and there was hardly a drip.

It was a great day at Home Sweet Home. I cherish these days so much.

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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