Today was a good day. Grace got up around 6:30 this morning - and had a very smiley day.
Our big news is that we got our new wheels today!
Gracie liked the wheelchair from the moment she saw it. Then when we got to sit in it - well, we were just a happy camper (or maybe camperette?)!
The chair is suited just for her height and width (in the seat), and is expandable, so it can grow with her.
After going home from the Clinic, we had a short nap and then out for a ride in the new chair. This was the first ride/walk that Grace has been out on where she has been in an upright position (the stroller, just leans back too far). I won't use the over used expression that she had a smile that was a mile wide (cuz, like really? how big would your mouth have to be?) - but, she did have a smile as big as her whole head!
The rest of the day was made up of playing, reading, lunch, naps and, of course - tricking dad. Grace had settled down on the mattress in her room. I thought she was going to take a little nap, so I said, "Naptime? I'll lay down beside you dearie." I pulled up a pillow and lay my head beside her, all snuggled up. Well, pretty soon she shifts a little bit. To make her more comfy, I shift a little too. She shifts again, dad shifts again. After a short time, I found that I was no longer on the pillow, and Gracie now had the full pillow to herself. It should be no surprise to you that she stopped shifting after that! 43 years old, and I am being duped by a less-than-two year old. It's going to be a long 16 - 17 more years. But, I'm going to love them!
Grace is now lying down with mom in and attempt to go to sleep. She will be sleeping soundly in a short while. Sweet dreams, little one.
Good night to all of you.
Jeff, Lisa, and Gracie
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