Monday, June 22, 2009

Monday With Mom

Gracie had a very rough night. Her fever spiked to 103 and Motrin nor Tylenol seemed to help it. I walked and bounced with Gracie from 11:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. At that point her fever went down to 100 and she was able to sleep. This morning Gracie's fever finally broke. I stayed home from work to care for her. She was more tired and clingy today, but overall in a good mood. She was also into a lot of mischief and tested her limits quite a bit.

Some of our fun for today consisted of an angel food cake pulled from the cupboard out of the container that landed on the floor, a glass of water spilled on the couch, our lunch plate thrown on the floor with food on it, the DVD player pulled from it's shelf that almost landed on the floor, and a fall in the basket of laundry when we thought it would be fun to walk around the house with our blanket over our head.

Gracie's appetite was not as good as usual. She took in plenty of fluids thankfully. Gracie was happy to see daddy come home from work and followed him everywhere for about 15 minutes. There, of course, were a couple of good games of "I'm gonna get you!"

Gracie's fever returned at 100 degrees around supper time. Tylenol has it under control now. I'm hoping it doesn't return. Gracie had a really hard time falling asleep tonight. It's just too warm in the house and the air conditioning has been going full blast all day.

Stay cool.

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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