Saturday, April 11, 2009

Saturday Fun

Okay, the title's a tad misleading. The day didn't start out as fun. Grace awoke with a fever about 2:45 this morning. After getting some medicine, Grace decided that she and mommy should walk around the house for about an hour and a half before re-settling into bed.

Grace then slept until 8:50 this morning, and was in a pretty good mood for most of the day (the fever was gone too). After lunch, Grace took her one and only nap of the day - and then . . . when mom went to Target, Grace and Dad (that would be me) went for a ride in our new wagon. Well, actually, it's not new - Grace got it as a Christmas present, but other than driving around in the basement, this was it's first trip/ride. We rode around the neighborhood - actually one of us rode, the other pulled (guess who did which). Grace just had a ball riding the the back of the wagon. Every time that I would stop to ask, "how you doing back here," I was answered with smiles and giggles.

Grace and mom then came to the Easter musical, Alive Forever, that dad was performing in (I was "loud guy #4" - in the choir). Grace was a good girl throughout. Her favorite parts were the music (imagine that) and she would get a little restless during the dialogue, but as soon as the music started - she snapped back to attention. She was really good for nearly an hour and a half - and that is a long time for a little kid. Mom and dad were both proud.

Grace is now sleeping soundly, or as soundly as one can sleep with draining sinuses. Her nose is gurgling (Oooh GROSS - did you need to tell us that?? yes, I did - sorry).

Have a great Easter, drive safely. He is risen!
Jeff, Lisa, and Grace

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