Friday, April 3, 2009

Friday - Physical Therapy

Gracie had an extremely restless night. She tossed and turned constantly. She wouldn't lay in one position for more than a few seconds. Needless to say, I woke up exhausted, but she amazingly woke up and was in a great mood. She awoke about 5:30 a.m. She was more than happy to take her meds with pureed peaches and ate them all up. The rest of her breakfast consisted of one Cheerio.

Daddy picked up Gracie from daycare early today as she had physical therapy at the clinic. She was in a good mood to start, but got tired very quickly. She cooperated nicely. She spent some time working on her balance on a balance ball. She also got to ride a tricycle (actually she didn't pedal, but used her feet). She has going backward down to a science, but was not happy when Leslie (PT) tried to help her go frontward and got even madder when mommy or daddy didn't come to her rescue. Leslie also recommended that we get Gracie a wheelchair, rather than use her stroller. Gracie's muscles aren't strong enough for her to walk long distances, the wheel chair would offer a better upright sit for her and can be adjusted so that she could be taught to get in and out herself. Leslie will be pursuing this with Gracie's PM&R physician.

Gracie, although tired, was a very happy girl tonight. She had a lot of smiles and teased her daddy a bit at supper time. Gracie had leftover pasta for supper and was eating, while Jeff and I were waiting for a pizza to get done in the oven. We have a bowl of M&M's on the kitchen table and I grabbed a few as I was putting more pasta on her tray. She started to fuss big time and then I realized I had M&M's and Gracie wanted some. So I gave her one and she was a happy led to two, three, maybe even four. Usually I bite them in half, but she proved to me tonight that she could eat a whole one at once. I know Auntie Cheryl will be happy to hear that...she thinks Gracie should be treated to M&M's on Easter!

It took Gracie about two seconds to fall asleep tonight. She was a tired girl. She is now in dreamy land and after last night's restlessness, I'm not far behind her.

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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