Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wednesday - Ear Tubes Are Out!

Gracie had a very restless night. She awoke at 12:15 a.m. with the diarrhea. I changed that diaper and by the time I returned to her bedroom, she had filled another. I changed that one and returned again to a third. I have no clue where all this is coming from, because she's hardly eaten a thing.

Gracie woke up at 5:30 a.m., perfect timing to give her seizure meds as she had to stop drinking shortly after. Her neurologist prescribed a few tablets (rather than the regular capsules that have to be taken with food) of seizure meds so we could desolve them in water. I syringed them into Gracie's mouth but she refused to swallow. That was a lovely fight that mommy won. I'm not sure how, but God was with me.

Gracie's ear tube removal surgery was today. She did great and the tubes are now removed. We made the right decision to have them removed as they were so caked in ear wax they would never have come out on their own. Her ears had been bothering her so much lately and I've not noticed her tugging at them at all today.

The anesthesiologist gave Gracie a pre-anesthesia med which made her act like a drunk baby. She became extremely loud and goofy. I was able to gown up and carry her into the O.R. She had everyone laughing in there as she was ooohing and aaahing loudly over the bright lights. Then they gave her the mask with the anesthesia. It was bubble gum scented. A big hit. Gracie took the mask and put it up to her own nose. She essentially put herself to sleep. The procedure itself didn't take long at all. I love her surgeon, who unfortunately will be leaving at the end of the month.

Gracie was hungry girl after she awoke. She ate 10 saltine crackers, 2 fruit and grain bars, and drank 2-1/2 glasses of water. This fasting stuff is no fun.

The trip to the car and home was not great. She became a wild animal. I had a hard time getting her into her car seat as she kicked, bit, and screamed at the top of her lungs. I have welts and bruises on my arms from bite marks. She screamed all the way home at a pitch I have never heard before. She fell asleep immediately upon coming home and slept for 2 hours. She awoke with a major attitude adjustment, so I think it was a combo of the being so tired and the anesthesia.

We played outside for a while this afternoon and took a nice walk. Gracie also ate more food today, although still has the diarrhea. It was so good to see her eat. She has lost 4 pounds from this nasty flu bug.

She is asleep now and I'm ready to go to bed too. It's been a long day. Thank you to all for the prayers and good wishes. Gracie has not had a seizure this afternoon. YAY!!! I'm home with her tomorrow as well as they want me to keep a watchful eye on her for 24 hours.

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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