Monday, June 28, 2010


Not too much to report today. Gracie had a good night and slept in a little longer than usual. She awoke a happy girl and Jeff took her to daycare, with me picking up. She got to go to the park today and tonight after supper we went for a walk. Gracie lost her balance and fell forward on the sidewalk. She hit her chin, hands, and knees. I could tell it hurt and she fussed a bit, but she did not want to held or baby'd, she wanted to walk it off. She can be such a toughie sometimes.

After our walk, we came home, put Gracie in the stroller and headed out for me to have a more brisk walk. When we passed by the local school, Gracie insisted we stop at the playground. She is doing so good climbing up to the slide and sliding down. She also does quite well climbing up the sidewalk. I know that is supposed to be a "no-no", but our PT encourages it as it works on different muscles.

After our walk we warned Gracie we would have to go inside. Well when the time came it wasn't pretty. We had a pretty nice tantrum. Ugh.

Gracie had a hard time falling asleep tonight. Once asleep, she awoke again and came out searching for us, but fell back to sleep quite quickly.

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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