Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tuesday - PT

Gracie had a good night sleep, but when she awoke there was blood all over her face, her pj's, her sheets, her pillow, and her special blankie. We washed her up, but no time to wash blankie before daycare, so we sent her with a substitute blanket.

Gracie had PT today and we met out at the playground of the school she will be going in the Fall. There was no shade and the thermometer there was registering 100. It was too hot to play on the equipment. She did crawl through some of the tubes. Emily, her early education teacher, was there too. At one point Emily said "Where are you?" and Gracie said it right back. She was very verbal this evening. She was so hot. We kept her hydrated and kept spraying her down, but we just couldn't keep her cool. On the way home Gracie and I stopped at the store to pick up some coconut milk ice cream and the poor little thing walked inside the freezer and sighed in relief. I had to pry her out.

Gracie was in a very good mood tonight. At one point Jeff was trying to change her diaper and she didn't want to lay still. So I came to help hold her in one place. She was still super wiggly. I told her "Gracie, how can one girl make it so difficult to change her diaper. I think we need to teach you how to sit on the potty chair and go potty. She immediately got up, went to the bathroom and insisted upon sitting on the toilet for awhile. I'm thinking potty training isn't as far away as I thought it was.

Gracie is now asleep in her mis-matched jammies. Does anybody know what I did with her "Hello Kitty" pajama top? I didn't think so.

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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