Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tuesday - Still Feverish

Gracie had a rough night, her fever spiked up past 102 degrees and nothing worked to get it down. So I held Gracie last night and did alot of walking and bouncing (her favorite comfort thing other than her thumb). Her fever finally went down to a low grade temp about 2:30 a.m. She still had a low grade fever this morning. With no other symptoms, I was concerned she might have a urinary tract infection, so I made an appointment with a nurse practitioner in pediatrics. She checked her out and too thought we may be dealing with a UTI. Unfortunately the only way to find out is to do a urine test, so Gracie had to be catheterized. She hated that and so did I. The quick dip showed no infection. Now they will grow it out. The nurse practitioner was wonderful and at the end of our appointment she told Gracie to drink lots of fluids and take a nap when she got home. Gracie looked at her and adamantly shook her head "no" -- she did not want to take a nap.

However, on the way home Gracie fell asleep in the car, I carried her in the house, took off her shoes and she snoozed for 2-1/2 hours. Her fever was gone by this point and she ate a good lunch. I took her outside for a short time, but it was too hot, so we spent the afternoon playing in the house. She took another 2 hour nap this afternoon and was in a very happy mood, so we went for a walk/stroller ride tonight and she did great. We even practiced walking on the grass, which is a little tricky with her balance and coordination issues, but she is doing really well. Her biggest obstacle is her confidence level. She would much rather have a hand to hold.

Tonight as I was getting Gracie ready for bed, her fever returned. She's having a hard time going to sleep. I layed, walked, and rocked with her for a while and now daddy is singing to her. I think it may be another long night ahead.

Love to all,
Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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