Thursday, September 2, 2010

Wednesday/Thursday - Animal Sounds

Gracie had a good day at daycare and did indeed enjoy herself at the park. She was in a good mood when we got home and her first request was to go outside to the backyard and play on her playset. She sat on the swing for a while and also played in the sand box with Jeff while I made supper. That is where the good mood disappeared. I made pasta in a tomato sauce with groundbeef. Usually a favorite...that obviously was not the case this time. She had a complete meltdown that turned into an all out tantrum. After many tears, flails, and screams we discovered she wanted peanut butter. Obviously that is the next two words we have to work on. So Gracie had apples and peanut butter for supper with a few crackers added into the mix. After she finished that, the pasta looked pretty good and she had some of that too.

The next tantrum started because we had to wash the peanut butter off of her hands. I got a bite on my hand out of that one. So after I got her cleaned up, she was banished to her time out spot for two minutes.

The evening got better after that. I asked her if she wanted to go for a wagon ride outside. Of course she was agreeable to this. She would live outdoors if she could. So we are pulling her in the wagon and she is talking and singing and we hear a dog barking. She tells me it is a dog and I ask her what the dog says, she responds "arf, arf". Perfect! I decide to take this one step further. I asked her what the kitty says. The response was "meow". Excellent. I ask her what the duck says. The response was "quack quack". This is going well so I ask her what the cow says. The response was "moo". She did get a little stuck on the pig and had to be reminded that it was "oink". Once she was reminded, she said it. She was so proud of herself and was all smiles. Jeff and I were pretty proud too.

She had a pretty good night. She was restless and awoke for a while around 2:30 p.m., but went back to sleep within 15 minutes. The allure of chocolate chip muffins once again got her up and out of bed. Muffins are even more fun to eat if you sing "Do you know the muffin man?" while eating them.

We headed off to daycare and Gracie was ready to play.

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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