Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tuesday/Wednesday - Missing Daddy

Gracie had a good day yesterday and thankfully a much better night last night. Her cold is starting to ease up a little bit and she had a good day at daycare. Mandy made her BBQ boneless style ribs, potatoes, and corn for lunch -- her ultimate favorite and her appetite came back. She ate every little morsel.

Gracie is missing her daddy big time. She asks about him constantly. Last night she sat up to the computer and wanted to talk to daddy (via Skype). Daddy wasn't available and when I told her that we couldn't talk to daddy tonight she had an all out kicking and screaming tantrum. Poor Pumpkin. Her first words to me this morning were "daddy", then a brief pause, and then "Chicago".

She was very clingy this morning. Didn't want breakfast, just wanted to be held. So I held her for a while, then all of a sudden this little had came out and grabbed my piece of toast. We won't mention that she had toast on her own plate too. Mommy's must taste better.

It was picture day today at school, so I dressed her in hot pink leggings, a jean jumper dress, and put some hot pink polka-dot barrettes in her hair to tame the curls a bit. I told her she would have to say "cheese" and she practiced. I'll await pictures to see if she remembered.

On the way to daycare she saw a big yellow bus and got excited, so I hope that means she was anxious to go back to school, even though when I asked her yesterday if she wanted to go back to school, she told me "no"! Today will be a new adventure at school as Wednesdays class is bigger. There will be 10 kids in all and it will be a mix of mainstream kids and those with special needs. I have a feeling she will be tired again tonight.

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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