Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday - A Happy Girl

Gracie had a good night until 2:30 a.m. and was pretty restless for the next two hours. I'm finding that 2:30 - 3:00 a.m. is the prime restless time for Gracie. I belong to an online support group for families affected by Sotos Syndrome. I'm finding out that many people with Sotos tend to not sleep through the night and have restless times around the 3:00 a.m. hour. Hmmm.

Gracie woke up in a good mood, was a happy girl all morning and that was the theme for the day. She was very cooperative and enjoyed the day. She did get a little sad when our daycare provider had to go to an appointment and her sister watched her while she was gone. She was kind of sad and somber, but music helped to make her feel more comfortable.

I picked Gracie up from daycare and she was in a great mood. She got to see Jeff for about 20 minutes before he had to leave and the rest of the evening was Gracie and I playing. We took a nice walk outside and when she tired of walking, I put her in the wagon and pulled her. It was a cool evening and we both had to have long pants on and we wore our fleece lined coats to keep up warm. Gracie's fingers were very cold when we came in.

Gracie was a happy girl most of the night. The only thing that even remotely resembled a tantrum was when she had to wait for me to put our leftover supper away before we went outside. Waiting and patience are not Gracie's strong points.

Gracie was a tired girl. We read a couple of books and then she gathered her babies and stuffed animals together (I think we now have 4 baby dolls that we insist on sleeping with and a puppy dog. Sometimes kitty, elephant, and bear get in on the action too) and fell asleep very quickly.

She was excited to wear new pajamas tonight...we went with long sleeves and she outgrew hers from last year.

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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