Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Monday & Tuesday - The Fever Continues

Gracie had a rough night on Sunday night. She ran a fever of 101 all night long even with Motrin. She couldn't sleep, so I spent most of the night holding, bouncing, or cuddling her. At 4:45 a.m. I gave her some Tylenol and that brought the fever down.

Gracie slept from 7:45 a.m. til 10:45 a.m. and I snuggled in with her. Although I was tired, I couldn't sleep. Perhaps it was mothers' worry.

Gracie had a pretty good day. You could tell that she wasn't her normal self, but we did alot of snuggling and read about 10,000 books. No we don't have 10,000 books, but we read the same ones over and over. I think I've got the record for reading "Barnyard Dance" 10 times in a row. We also listened to alot of music and did some dancing.

Gracie's appetite was pretty light, but thankfully she drank plenty. Perhaps it was that I was allowing the orange Gatorade to flow freely. That is a great favorite of hers.

Gracie took a 90 minute nap in the afternoon and this time I slept too. It felt great.

Gracie didn't want anything more than yogurt for supper and then her fever came back. So we gave her more Tylenol which helped. Gracie was thrilled to see daddy when he came home. He's working long days, so she isn't seeing much of him lately. She greeted him at the gate over the stairs with "Hi Daddy". Her first request was a piggyback ride. Whee!

Gracie had a hard time falling asleep. She got to watch some of the Vikings vs. Packers game with mommy and daddy. I'm almost sure I heard her say "Go Favre!".

Gracie had a good night and this morning her fever is gone. She's been a good girl, a little clingy and her color isn't back quite yet. We've cancelled her OT appointment today and PT yesterday. We don't want to pass her germs along. Hopefully she'll stay fever free today.

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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