Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Way Too Many Meds

Gracie has her everyday meds and then ones that she gets every other day and some on just M/W/F. Today was a big day. Four meds this morning and five this evening. She did quite well with all of these. I always dread the days she has to take her antibiotics, she hates them and they make her tummy upset. Today she actually cooperated and took them right down. Her tummy wasn't overly upset either. Yay. She also did not cry for her injection this evening. She just took it all in stride. I came over to give her a kiss afterward and I even got a big smile. She certainly knows how to make mommy feel better. I thought I was the one that was supposed to be comforting her.

Gracie had her follow-up appointment with ENT today for her ear tube surgery. Everything is looking great and we've had no ear infections since. I did mention that she is CONSTANTLY itching her nose and asked the physician to please take a look. He said it was quite dry and suggested some nasal gel. Will pick that up tomorrow as they didn't have any in stock today. I even run a humidifier in her room nightly.

Gracie had a pretty good day. She still had about 20 spasms, so we aren't seeing any reduction in those yet. It amazes me that every time we put her on new seizure meds she makes gross motor skill progress. Today she got in a standing position by herself from the floor. She pulled herself up on a low stool and then stood up directly from there and maintained her balance. This is huge for her. She also started saying "mama" with more frequency today. She has been pretty liberal with her dada's, but we don't hear the "m" sound much. I've been working on this with her.

Tomorrow we see the medical genetics physician and get more information about her Sotos Syndrome diagnosis. It will be interesting to see what he has to say.

Lisa and Family


Auntie Cheryl said...


You are amazing! Keep up the good work! Love you!

Auntie Cheryl said...

Lisa and Jeff,

You two are amazing also. :)
Love you!

Mitch said...

It was great to see Gracie today. She looked SO tired, but she was a trooper...and according to dad, a pooper as well.