Saturday, December 27, 2008

G.I. Distress and Can You Say "Moody"???

Gracie had a very restless night with G.I. issues and that continued into today. She was so miserable that we had her seen by a pediatric physician when she went in for her blood pressure and weight check this morning. We wanted to make sure there wasn't any blockage. They didn't feel that there was, but gave us some things to watch for. We also continued giving her stool softener to hopefully help the situation. We did have some results which has made for a more restful evening.

Gracie's blood pressure was much lower than what we usually see and her weight is just slightly under 32 pounds. We also measured her height today....2 feet, 11 inches. What a big girl! She is wearing 2T pants, and 3T and 4T tops these days. I forget somedays that she is only 16 months old.

The increased Prednisolone has turned Miss Grace into a very irritable, restless little girl. The only three things that make her happy are being held and bounced, eating, and watching TV. I have thrown my rule of only 30 minutes a day of videos/tv out the window and let her watch a number of videos throughout the day. I figure desperate times call for desperate measures.

As for spasms, Gracie had one very light one this morning when she was napping on me. So we are feeling that the meds are working.

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

1 comment:

Mitch said...

Great news on the reduced spasms. Maybe her being cranky and wanting attention is just her way of emulating her Uncle Mitch.