Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tuesday - Feeling Even Better

Gracie had a great night and didn't really want to wake up this morning. She had no appetite this morning and I was a little scared we were going to have problems getting meds in as she didn't want any yogurt or toast or juice or anything I offered her. I finally pulled out some Smarties candy and she even refused those at first. Finally she ate one and I gave her a yogurt and med chaser. After that we got everything we needed in her.

Gracie had a good lunch and even ate a little more for supper tonight. We also had a no dirty diaper day!!! To celebrate Gracie decided she did not need a nap. She was super tired when Jeff picked her up and fell asleep in the van on the way home. The nap was shortlived as her teacher, Miss Sarah, came for a home visit with us today.

Gracie was soooooooooo excited when she saw Miss Sarah and escorted her into the house and sat on her lap and danced with happiness. It was good to hear about all the progress Gracie is making at school. She is following routines very well. Miss Sarah indicated that at the beginning of the year Gracie wouldn't stay in line with the other kids and there was always someone close by to help her back into line. She now lines up beautifully with everyone else. She also shared that she is making some progress in playing with other kids. She indicated that if Gracie is just left to find her own fun at free play she will find an adult to play with, but if they have her do puzzles or something else with others, she is happy to do so.

Miss Sarah also shared with us that Gracie sometimes finds things very funny and it just cracks up the whole class. Yesterday they got to pass around a stuffed turkey and when it was her turn she thought this was so hilarious. She would say "turkey" and then just laugh and laugh.

Gracie is doing better with sitting in her chair at circle time. They still use a bumpy pad for her to sit on so she can kind of bounce in her chair.

It was a very good visit and it was fun to hear of all her progress at school. We are certainly seeing so much here at home too.

Gracie was so tired, she fell asleep at 6:37 p.m. and I put her to bed. I wonder if she will sleep all night through. I hope so.

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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