Thursday, October 7, 2010

Wednesday/Thursday - Oh the Difference A Day Can Make

It's amazing the difference a day can make, a day with appropriate rest and a little more healing. Gracie went to the apple orchard on a field trip with her preschool class. While I don't know how it all went, I do know that when I opened her school backpack last night, I found a big red juicy apple. Gracie was only too happy to tell me it was an apple, both verbally and using sign. No surprise there, I knew she knew that word. The surprise came when she said the next word "seed". I'm guessing there was a lesson on the parts of the apple and I'm very proud that Gracie took something away from that lesson. I let her carry the apple around the house for a while. It did get dropped a few times, then she took a bite out of it, but the peel was too hard for her to chew, so I cut up the apple and she munched away on her apple. Jeff and I tried some was so yummy.

Gracie's nose is still running, but I see improvement and she had a good nap at daycare that did wonders for her mood. She was a happy girl, she ate a good supper, and had a great time splashing in the tub. I'm enjoying that she responds to questions by shaking her head "yes", she used to have a hard time telling me "yes" and everything was no. Not anymore, I get lots of "head nods" for yes and "uh-huh's". That makes life so much easier.

Gracie was a little kissy monster last night. Jeff and I got tons of hugs and kisses. The best part is these are real open mouth slobber kisses anymore. Very sweet.

Gracie and I both had a great night's sleep. We both needed it and woke up in great moods. It looks to be a beautiful day, so that will only help our good moods more.

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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