Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tuesday/Wednesday - A Visit to the Doctor

Gracie had a good day yesterday, but by the time I got home last night her throat and ears were bothering her again and her nose has not stopped running. She greeted me at the gate, with not a "hi", but a frown as she rubbed her throat and told me "medicine". This has been going on way too long and with her ear infection history, we ran her to express/urgent care last night and were relieved to find out that she does not have an ear infection, her throat actually looks pretty good, but she has fluid on one of her ears, which we think is causing her ear and throat to feel sore. We were told that the colds/viruses that are going around right now, seem to be taking longer to go away than usual, specifically the runny nose. They gave us a prescription for some ear numbing drops and told us to use ibuprofen and acetimenophen liberally to take care of the discomfort.

Gracie was a constant tantrum all night. She wouldn't eat supper, she wouldn't take ibuprofen, she screamed, she hit, she cried, she pulled hair, she was so tired and just not feeling well. Risking life and limb, I got her into her pj's and just held and bounced her. After quite a while she mellowed out and I layed her in bed. She crawled over to me, gave me a kiss on my cheek, and signed "sorry". I melted.

She had a hard time falling asleep and staying asleep. Every time I was just sure she was asleep I would sneak out of her room, only to have her wake up a few minutes later and cry. I was finally able to sneak a piece of peanut butter toast in for supper and then just layed with her and comforted her whenever she awoke.

She slept quite well for awhile, but at 3:00 a.m. she woke up and started to get out of bed. I very quietly asked her where she was going, she hadn't seen that I was there and I unintentionally scared her big time. I felt so bad as she jumped and screamed. I walked with her for about 20 minutes and she fell right back to sleep.

She awoke a happy, but busy girl this morning. We dressed her in a bright orange pumpkin shirt, some black and white polka dotted pants, and some orange curlie's in her piggytails. She was headed to the apple orchard for a field trip with her preschool class today. I have a feeling we are going to hear all about apples tonight. :)

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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