Friday, March 12, 2010

Friday - Increase in Seizure Meds

Gracie was super sleepy this morning and was a major daddy's girl. We've been giving Gracie her morning seizure meds in soy ice cream since the episode where she won't eat them in applesauce anymore. This morning I had it all ready and Jeff said, "Hey Gracie, do you want some ice cream?" Without missing a beat and in a very loud confident voice she said "No!" I left the room and Jeff offered her the ice cream with meds and she ate it right up.

She was so upset when I put her in the car to go to daycare because she wanted daddy. The last week of him working and her not seeing him has taken it's toll. When I took her to daycare she was very sleepy and clingy. When I left, instead of fussing and crying, I looked at her and she had big quiet crocodile tears running down her cheeks and she was doing the silent sad cry. It about broke my heart. Once I got to work I called to check on her and was relieved to hear that she was doing great. She had a great day. She and her buddy Maddox were running around chasing each other and using their outdoor voices.

I talked with Gracie's neurologist today and got the results of her EEG. Gracie is having epileptiform discharges in her sleep. This means she isn't actually having seizures, but more than likely would be soon if left untreated. So the plan is to increase her meds in the evening. I'm anxious to see what new developments she'll make as she always makes some good strides after a Topamax increase.

Daddy has been working with Gracie to take off her coat by herself when they come home from daycare. She's making some good progress. Gracie also has a new word...drum roll's...."chocolate"! Little mini Kit Kat bars are chocolate and she really really likes them.

Gracie was such a good girl tonight, it was fun to play with her and just hang out at home and have a good time.

I did inform Gracie tonight that tomorrow was Saturday and she could sleep in. We'll see if she listened! :)

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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