Saturday, February 21, 2009

Snowy Saturday

It's mommy at the keyboard tonight. Gracie had an extremely restless night, rolling back and forth, back and forth, crying out, then settling down as I would snuggle with her or pat her back. I think we were both happy when morning arrived. Gracie awoke happy and ready to welcome the day.

Gracie enjoyed looking out the deck door to see the snow. It was a fairly uneventful day, with Gracie and I playing and reading books while daddy had band practice. Gracie mimics the words "hi" and "hello" on occasion, well tonight we had a new one. I was cooking dinner and she wanted to see what was going on. I picked her up and told her the pan was "hot", to which she repeated it.

We put little piggytails in Gracie's hair this morning and she tolerated them well, but at lunch time she covered her hair in pasta sauce. We removed her from her high chair and put her straight into the bathtub. Which was great for Gracie -- she loves to go for a swim in the tubby.

Gracie and I had a battle of wills again tonight over the nightlight in her room. She looked to daddy for support when I said "no" and got the stone face of "no" from him too, She was relentless until I finally picked her up and moved her.

Gracie's appetite keeps decreasing and her tummy was a bit upset today. She also seemed a little more needy today, wanting to be held alot. I was only too happy to hold her and sing.

By the time 8 p.m. rolled around she was a tired girl and fell asleep in my arms drinking her bottle. I'm headed to bed pretty quick myself.

Stay warm.

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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