Saturday, September 5, 2009

Friday & Saturday

We're combining Friday and Saturday's note because we were just plain too tired to type last night. Gracie had a good day at daycare on Friday and was basking in the sun when I arrived to pick her up. We zoomed home, fed Gracie, and got her all dressed up in a pretty dress, as we had a wedding to attend. I had misgivings about taking Gracie to the wedding as she can get tired and cranky in the evenings, but we really wanted to go, so knowing she sometimes does better in social settings we decided to give it a try. She cried and screamed the whole way there. Once there she settled down a bit and it was evident she was very tired. Trying to reason with a tired child, just doesn't happen. We were able to see the bride and groom walk in and then we came to our parental senses and realized Gracie was not cooperating, was irritable, and the best thing for everyone would be to take her home and let her sleep. Once home it took her about two seconds to fall asleep.

Our plans for the weekend were to travel to see Jeff's Grandmother, but since Gracie and I have come down with sore throats, and Grandma has cancer, we didn't want to compromise her immune system, so we decided to stay home. Gracie awoke at 6:30 a.m. and was full of smiles. By 9:30 a.m. she was ready for a nap and slept two hours (it is evident that she is fighting something). She awoke in a good mood and ate a good lunch, then we went to my home away from home...Target. While I shopped, Jeff wheeled Gracie around the store in her wheelchair, which she found to be a good time. When they met up with me in an aisle, Gracie indicated she wanted something to hold, so I gave her a package of applesauce. A little while later she dropped it, I picked it up and she indicated that she wanted it back. A little later it dropped again, I picked it up and asked her if she wanted it or should I put it in the cart. She looked at me and said "mine". I didn't even know she knew that word. Earlier in the day she also was talking on one of our cordless telephones and was playing. She said "Hi Dad".

The other great development of the day was at lunch when she was able to stab a piece of nectarine with her fork all by herself and put it in her mouth. That got a round of applause from Mom & Dad.

After Target we hung outside for a while and visited with the neighbors and then it was quite apparent that Gracie was in need of a nap. This time she slept for an hour and 20 minutes. It took her awhile to truly wake up, we rocked for awhile after she got out of bed. Gracie ate a huge supper and then we just hung out. Bedtime came and went and Gracie wasn't able to fall asleep so we let her stay up later. At 10:00 p.m. we decided to give it a try again, but the suspicion that Gracie's ear might be bothering her was confirmed as she would roll her head from side to side and pull at her ear. We haven't seen this since she got her eartubes, a little under a year ago. We gave her some ibuprofen and after that it took a little while to settle down. She is now peacefully sleeping. Sweet dreams.

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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