Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wednesday - Not Her Best Day

Today was not Gracie's best day. She was just irritable. She had a slice of American cheese last night. She opened the fridge and insisted upon one. I allowed her to have it and she wanted a second one. I did not allow a second one. Jeff and I had just been talking with the pediatrician about how we think milk products sometimes cause behavioral issues. So I'm putting the blame on either the cheese or her Hib vaccination. Not sure which or maybe both. Or perhaps neither, who really knows for sure.

She did fine at daycare, but was very tired and clingy with Jeff while I was at the grocery store. She was very upset when I walked in the door as she couldn't get to me fast enough and nothing I did could bring about a smile. I was immediately aware that she needed some sensory input. I snuggled with her for a bit, but it just didn't seem to be enough, so I put her in the bathtub. I'm finding that water does wonders for her sensory needs.

She mellowed out a bit and we saw a few smiles and she even danced a little bit to Barney, but she was very tired took her a very short time to fall asleep.

Here's hoping we have a good night and a happier Gracie tomorrow.

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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