Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Tuesday/Wednesday - A Good Week

Gracie has been having a good week.  She has been playing really well with the other kids at daycare.  Yesterday they went to the park and Gracie had great fun climbing up to the high tornado slide and zooming down.  She was filthy when she came home from playing so hard and I loved it!  She was in such a good mood all night long. 

I think I mentioned that Gracie must be on the verge of a growth spurt because she is eating everything in sight.  Last night on the way home from daycare as she is drinking a glass of juice in the backseat, she says "store".  I asked her what she wanted at the store.  Her reply:  "Food, eat, hungry!"  So when we got home I said "Look Gracie, daddy made us some pasta for supper."  Gracie responded:  "No!  McDonald's."  That cracked us all up!

Gracie had a fairly good night.  At one point she woke up, lifted up her feet to look at them.  Sort of like she was making sure they were still there, then went right back to sleep.  I would love to know what she is thinking sometimes! 

Gracie was snuggling in bed with me this morning, trying to wake up. She was sucking on her thumb and I asked her if it tasted good.  Then I went to pretend to suck on her little finger and I said I wondered what it tasted like.  Gracie pipes up with:  "Chicken!"  Then she added "Boop" (that is her word for ketchup).  She cracks me up.

Have a great day!

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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