Monday, February 14, 2011

The Weekend

Gracie enjoyed her Friday at back-up daycare. A dental hygenist came in to talk and I'm told our little ancy pants sat very quietly and listened very intently. She also got to visit the baby room and really enjoyed that. She did alot of dancing too. When I got there she wanted to show me EVERYTHING!!!!!

On Saturday, cousin Jason came over to play. Gracie adores Jason and was thrilled to take him for walks (thanks for going around the island with her 100 times Jason) and just play. Later in the day Aunt Sheila and Uncle Chris came over and joined us for pizza. Gracie said Sheila's name and then pointed to her. Gracie absolutely loved having the company and was sad to see them go.

Saturday night was a restless one for Gracie and then she woke up at 3:00 a.m. and wanted a drink and some bread. After that, she couldn't fall asleep. So we rocked until 4:30 a.m., when she finally fell back to sleep. She was doing some back and forth head movements that made me think that perhaps she had an ear infection. I just wasn't sure and when I asked her if her ears hurt, she told me yes and then a little later no, so I figured we better get it checked out. The good news is that her ears look great -- no infection. We don't know about her throat as she wouldn't open her mouth, but I didn't suspect a sore throat. The bad news -- we waited at Express (Urgent) Care for over 2 hours. We made some new friends. One little girl who was quite inquisitive wanted to know why Gracie's skin was dark and mine was light. I told her that was a very good question (and saw her mother exhale in relief) and that Gracie's daddy's skin was dark and Gracie looked like her daddy. I wasn't even going to go down the "adoption" explanation with her or I would have had 100 more questions. She still wanted to know why my skin was light then. I told her I was born that way and that seemed good enough.

After Gracie's nap on Sunday we went outdoors to play. Gracie had a blast. We went for a walk, we made a snowman, we pulled her on the sled, but her favorite activity was shoveling snow with the shovel she got for Christmas. When it was time to go in, I had to literally carry a screaming, kicking child into the house.

Gracie did not want to get up this morning and she was in a mood. She refused her seizure meds a couple of times, but I finally got them in her. She mellowed out after a while. She looked so cute in her red and pink Valentine's shirt and matching "pretty" in her hair. By the way, did you know that St. Valentine is the patron saint of epilepsy/seizures. I knew I liked him for a reason! :)

Wishing you all lots of love today.

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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