Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tuesday - A Very Good Girl

Gracie slept in until just about 7:00 a.m. this morning and was in a great mood all day. We sent daddy golfing with Grandpa and Gracie and I had a "mommy and me" day. We did a little shopping in the morning for a few groceries and other items at Target, then to the health food store to replenish our supply of coconut milk yogurt -- a total God send -- as now that we have this we have no problems getting Gracie to take her seizure meds. She loves yogurt and can even say it. It sounds more like "gogurt", but you get the idea. Then it was home for lunch and after that we filled up her pool and let her splash for awhile.

I knew it was time for a nap when Gracie layed down on the kitchen floor. She slept for 2 hours before I had to wake her up for her OT appointment at the clinic. OT is not Gracie's favorite thing. We worked on many different things. We took a softer approach this appointment, yet being firm and making her finish things. We had been taking a tougher approach, but it was too much for her and we were seeing huge behavioral issues because of it. We saw no problems after this appointment, so I think this is a good approach. Grandpa dropped daddy off at the clinic, so Jeff was able to be at the appointment too.

The not so fun thing about getting to our appointment is that another driver backed into my car in the parking ramp. A nice dent in the front bumper, but no one was hurt and that is the important thing.

After the appointment we went to visit Grandma & Grandpa to pick up Jeff's golf clubs. Gracie had fun digging in the dirt. It was beautiful outside. Then home for supper and a nice walk outdoors before bath time. Then she got to dance with daddy before she went to bed.

Gracie was such a good girl all day. Very cooperative. Gracie is talking so much and I love to put the Veggie Tales CD on in the car and listen to her sing to it. It is so precious. Tonight she was sitting on Jeff's lap and she said "Gracie and daddy". You had to listen hard to make it out, but she definitely said it.

She is now sleeping and I had better join her shortly, it's back to work and daycare tomorrow.

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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