Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tuesday - Swimming, Splashing, and Smiling

Gracie had a fantastic day yesterday! Daycare took her swimming to an indoor pool along with another group of daycare kids. Gracie had the time of her life. She non-stop kicked and splashed in the kiddie pool for 2-1/2 hours. She was a ball of energy and smiles from head-to-toe. She was loving life!!! On the way home from the pool she fell asleep and when Jeff came to pick her up, she was in such a deep sleep, she cried because she just wanted to be left alone. Jeff didn't even put her coat on, just threw it over her and put her in the warm van. When I got home she was still sleeping and did not want to wake up. I would have left her guessed it, we needed to get those seizures meds in her. I knew those meds weren't going to go in a groggy tired girl, so we stuck supper in the oven and I took her to the tub and gave her a quick bath. She started to perk up and did eat a little supper and her meds. She started to get a second wind by bedtime, so it took her about 30 minutes to fall asleep, but she was so sweet. She just chatted with me and gave me hugs and kisses. This morning when she awoke her first request was for a cracker! She was in a great mood this morning too. I think today's adventure is going to be a movie at the theater. She's never been to a theater movie, so we'll see how she does. Love, Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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