Friday, April 13, 2012

Healthy...But Not So Happy. :(

Gracie continues to be healthy!!!  YAY!  She has had a rough week emotionally though.  The departure of her beloved teacher at daycare has taken it's toll on Gracie.  They are shorter-staffed and although all of the teachers and one of the subs are doing everything they can to make her feel comfortable, she is moved from teacher to teacher a bit more and quite frankly it is out of her routine.  I know she will adjust in time, especially when a new permanent teacher is hired, but until then her world is more emotionally exhausting and this is very evident by her behavior in the evenings.  So we are spending alot more time "talking" and snuggling and I'm trying to give her as much security and TLC as possible. 

Gracie has wanted a lot more computer time this week and quite frankly I've let her have as much as she wants.  It's a happy place for her. 

This morning Gracie and I were laying in bed and we were talking about her new baby cousins.  We were talking about who their mommies and daddies were, and the following conversation took place:

Me:  Gracie, do you have a mommy?
Gracie:  NO!  (With a huge teasing smile on her face.)
Me:  Do you have a daddy?
Gracie:  NO! (The smile even bigger.)
Me:  Do you have any family?
Gracie:  YES!
Me:  Who is in your family?
Gracie:  Reindeer!  (Smile still huge.  I must also mention there was a Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer book on her bed.)

She is such a little goofball sometimes.  I love it!

Have a great weekend. 

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie Reindeer

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