Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tuesday/Wednesday - "This is Icky"

Gracie had another good day.  She spent a lot of time outside at daycare.  She also got to play with her buddy Aubrey.  These two girls look so much alike (other than Gracie is quite a bit bigger) and have so much fun together.  Aubrey brought her puppy along to daycare too, so that was a fun treat for Gracie. 

Jeff picked Gracie up from daycare and they had some good time together before I got home from work.  When I got home we had supper, but Gracie didn't eat more than a few bites.  It was a pasta/chicken dish, so I thought she would love it.  Later, thinking she must be hungry, I asked her if she wanted a peanut butter sandwich.  (I know what you're thinking....if she didn't eat her supper she shouldn't get anything else...but with Gracie if her blood sugar gets low, we all pay.)  She said she did want a PB sandwich, but changed her mind once I gave it to her.  I set it on the table and told her it would be there if she got hungry later.  A while later, she took the sandwich, opened it up and stuck her finger through it and informed Jeff and I that "This is icky!"  The look on her face when she said it was hilarious.  Later she told us it was "sticky", so she could have been saying "sticky", but I really think she said "icky".  She never did eat more than one bite. 

Gracie didn't take a very long nap at daycare so she was extra tired last night and got upset a little easier than usual.  I finally just took her downstairs and put her in the tub to splash around and get some good sensory input, that usually does wonders for her.  After bath, she danced a little bit while we waited for her hair to dry a bit, then to bed.  She was pretty tired and it didn't take her long to fall didn't take me long either...I didn't wake up til 1:00 a.m. (thankfully, she slept through).  She had a good night and was in a very good mood this morning too. 

I got yogurt out of the fridge to have with her seizure meds this morning, she informed me she wanted "pudding".  I did win out on that one.  We call her meds "sprinkles" as you pour these little sprinkles out of a capsule on some food.  She informed me last night and again this morning that they were "medicine". 

When I left her at daycare this morning she was helping to make homemade waffles.  I wonder if they would have minded if I would have stayed for breakfast!  ;)  Yummy.

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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