Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Stomach Flu....EWWWW!

So last Wednesday, the very day I posted about what an awesome week Gracie was having, I got a call early afternoon from daycare...she had the diarrhea and had vomited. I picked her up and she seemed happy enough...then as we were driving home, she threw up again...all over herself and the car. That was the theme for the rest of the afternoon. By Thursday the vomiting had stopped, but the diarrhea continued. We thought we had it under control over the weekend, when it began again later on Sunday. I stayed home from work with her on Monday...and at midnight on Monday night/Tuesday morning, it all began again. She was vomiting and had the diarrhea constantly from midnight through til 4:30 a.m. when she finally was able to fall asleep. The poor little munchkin just moaned through it all and was so restless. She never moans unless she is REALLY sick. I stayed home with her again yesterday and it was a pretty quiet day. She would drink Gatorade, but nothing else. She would eat just enough applesauce to get her seizure meds in her. In the evening she started to perk up a bit and wanted some crackers and did have a piece of toast. Gracie slept great last night and was still sleeping when I left the house. She is at home with daddy today. She is eating a bit more today, but I'm told the diarrhea continues...not as frequently however. She has asked to go "bye, bye" so that is a good sign. We're hoping that she is feeling better and soon! Love, Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie Gurgly Guts

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