Friday, March 2, 2012

Sick Again and Daddy Too!

On Tuesday afternoon, just as Jeff and I arrived at Gracie's preschool, we received a call from Gracie's daycare.  Gracie had hives all over her body and was itchy.  Jeff went to get her, while I met with a number of individuals from school.  Gracie has struggled this year at school, just isn't as happy there as she was last year.  Her room seems a bit more chaotic, add to that her teacher has been out on a leave of absence and there wasn't a consistent sub until recently.  Gracie just didn't do well with this scenario.  She spent much of her time crying, refusing to participate, and laying on the floor refusing to move.  The team I am working with at school has been fantastic in brainstorming ideas that will work with Gracie and alternate programs.  On Monday, Gracie will begin a new program.  Two days a week will be in a small group setting with all children who have special needs and at the same school she currently is at, but with a new teacher.  A teacher both Jeff and I think will be fantastic with her.  The other two days a week she will attend a nursery school across town, but will have her school teacher and two para-professionals there for support in this setting.  This will give her the mainstreaming and socialization element to her learning.  Both Jeff and I are excited for this transition and I think it will be great for Gracie as well. 

When I got home on Tuesday night, Gracie's torso was covered in hives, but she seemed fine otherwise.  Well that night she started running a temp and the hives exploded all over her body.  She has hives from the top of her head to the tips of her toes.  And they are itchy.  Her nose is running big time and she has a cough.  So we definitely know a virus has hit, but her pediatrician thinks the hives could be from the virus, but we can't rule out that she is allergic to penicillin.  We just finished a course for her ear infection.  Gracie has had hives previously with viruses, but never quite this bad. 

Gracie continues to be sick.  She's not eating much and she really doesn't want to drink much either, so we've been creative in trying to get fluids in her.  Her fever tends to be very low grade during the day, but it kicks in with a vengeance in the night.  I spend most of the night holding her, rocking her, and bouncing her.  Jeff also has been running a 103 degree F fever and feeling miseable.  I stayed home from work yesterday (Thursday) to take care of both of them.  Today Jeff's fever is low grade so he is at home taking care of our sweet little girl.  I'm trying very hard to stay healthy as Jeff has to work all weekend and I'm hoping we can get Gracie healthy too! 

Her hives aren't as firey red today, but they are still itchy and the Benadryl and Claritin are probably helping, but it's hard to see her miserable.  The higher the fever, the more she itches. 

So my mission for the weekend is to get my family healthy.  I love Clorox Wipes...I think we'll scrub down the house with them this weekend.  :)

Stay healthy.

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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