Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Healthy Again!!!!

After 14 days with the diarrhea, I am happy (overjoyed actually) to say that Gracie is healthy again.  She went back to daycare on Monday.  Her friends were very excited to see her and she was pretty happy to see them too!

Here are a few updates:

  • Every 4 months Gracie has an appointment with her pediatric neurologist to keep an eye on seizures, as well as neuro development.  We recently had this appointment and Gracie was incredibly verbal and her neurologist was thrilled to see all of her new verbal skills, as well as listening and attending skills.  Seizures are well controlled, but due to growth (Gracie is now 4 feet tall and 62 pounds) we did increase her seizure med dosage.
  • Gracie knows all of the capital letters of the alphabet excluding three letters.  We are also working on being able to sign those letters and she is doing great with that too.  She doesn't always get perfect hand formation, but she tries very hard.  
  •  Yesterday at daycare, Gracie approached a little boy who was playing trains.  She asked him "Gracie play?"  Then she sat down on the floor and began trying to put some wooden tracks together, she didn't quite get that, but kind of stacked them and then ran her train over them.  Gracie doesn't usually engage in too much actual play with toys, she moves them from one place to another, so we were pretty excited about this.
  • Today at daycare a sea life exhibit will be there.  I'm told there will be fish, starfish, sea horses, baby stingrays, and much more.  I'll be anxious to hear what she has to say about her day.
  • Gracie has been having very restless nights lately.  She's been talking in her sleep a bit too, so I suspect she is dreaming.  I did ask her this morning if she had lots of dreams last night and she said she did.  I asked her if they were good dreams or bad dreams and she said "bad dreams".  What do five year olds dream about?  Hmmmm.  I do know that when she does seem to be having a bad dream and I rub her back and tell her that mommy is right here, it does seem to calm her.
  • Gracie undressed herself for the first time the other day and was quite proud of herself.  I was putting some clothes away in her room when I came out to the living room to find a very proud girl with only a pull-up on and her dress in her hand.  
  • Gracie has a great love of Bill Cosby and has started doing impressions of him, much to our amusement.
  • I registered Gracie for the Young Athletes Program through the Special Olympics for October and November.  It's a neat program where occupational students volunteer their time to work with 2 to 7 year olds with intellectual disabilities to learn to enjoy sports.  I'm anxious to see what Gracie thinks of it. 
We are loving the cooler weather!

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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