Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Gracie had a pretty good night and awoke at 5:45 a.m. She was up with daddy when I got out of the shower, but when she saw me I got a big smile and some snuggle time while we rocked in the rocking chair. When I dressed Gracie for the day I discovered something...she's outgrowing her pants. At this rate, they will be capris by the time summer hits.

As I left daycare this morning, Gracie had these big silent tears. She certainly knows how to tug at her mommy's heart. She had a good day at daycare today and her and buddy Maddox were wild children again today. There is video of them running, chasing, and screaming. I haven't seen it yet, but Jeff did and said he had no clue that Gracie had such a high pitch scream.

When I got home tonight Gracie was super tired. Didn't want supper and could barely keep her eyes open. A little later I got her to drink some milk and eat a waffle and she perked up a bit. It took her about 2.5 seconds to fall asleep tonight. I'm not sure it will take me even that long. Daylight Savings Time is wreaking havoc with our internal body clocks.

Have a good night.

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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