Saturday, March 20, 2010

Saturday - Mommy's Girl

Gracie woke up this morning at 6:45 a.m. and pointed to the window shade. That is her indication that she wants the shade pulled up. She was ready for it to be morning. Our exciting news of the day was that Gracie woke up to find out she has a new baby cousin -- yes, two in one week. My niece Brittany and her husband Jeff are the proud parents of Maci Ann. Congratulations you two! Gracie loved looking at pictures of Maci and even said her name when I told her who she was. Gracie is very into babies lately.

Gracie was mommy's girl today big time. She wanted to be held by me a good majority of the day and I could not be out of her sight. Heaven help me if I had to go to the bathroom. I had a little tag along there too.

Something was not quite right in Gracie's world today and we are not quite sure what. I suspect she may be coming down with a cold as she was sneezing a bit today and had a little bit of a runny nose, but nothing bad. She just needed a little more holding and hugging today. She also took a 3 hour nap.

After nap we had a little snack and then we bundled Gracie up and went outside to enjoy the sunshine. We took a walk with Gracie in her wheelchair and she was very happy out in the fresh air. Then we stopped at the school not far from our house and let Gracie swing and slide. They do not have any adaptive swings, so we put Gracie on a big girl swing and she did great and loved every minute of it. She did give mommy heart failure when she all of a sudden let go and was headed for a fall. I was right there, but not quick enough. Thank heavens daddy has long arms and was in the right place at the right time.

Gracie was not daddy's biggest fan today. Although they had some fun moments, she spent a good part of the day grumping at him. He just couldn't seem to do anything quite right. Poor daddy.

Tonight before bed, Gracie got a second wind and had a great time chasing mommy all over the house. Her little heart was just pumping from running so fast and hard. Oh and the giggles were music to my ears.

Here's hoping Gracie has a better day tomorrow.

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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