Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tuesday - A Happy Girl

Gracie had a pretty good night and I had to wake her this morning. She really didn't want to get out of bed. Once I convinced her to get up, get dressed, and have a little breakfast, she was in a very good mood. On the way to daycare she seemed very tired and she sat in her car seat looking a little zoned out. When we arrived at daycare she was snuggly and tired. When I left she was sucking her thumb, snuggling with her blankie and Michelle.

When I arrived to pick Gracie up I was thrilled to hear she was in quite the good and silly mood today. That continued into tonight. She was a little grumpy when we first got home, but I think she was just hungry. Before I got her coat off, she marched over to the cupboard where we keep the bread and wanted a slice. That is her favorite food these days, when she is hungry she always wants a slice of wheat bread. Nothing on it, just bread. She ate a good supper and then it was bath time. We worked on trying to get more of the EEG glue out of her hair and off of her scalp. We had some success, but there is still alot there. I'm trying to figure out if it is better to get it off or to just leave it and be faced with more of it with her EEG on Thursday.

We put on an old CD of mine tonight that Gracie hadn't heard before. I think it is her new favorite CD --it is the soundtrack from "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days". She loved it and danced and danced. Then on the slow songs, she hopped up into my arms and we danced together. So precious.

She was a tired girl tonight. She fell asleep in about a minute. Unfortunately she didn't get to see daddy today. He left for work before she woke up and isn't home yet. He's had a long week at work and Gracie really misses him. She's been a very good girl though.

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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