Thursday, January 14, 2010


Well I didn't get the restful night I had hoped for. Gracie slept well until about midnight and then she couldn't breathe and couldn't get comfortable, so she tossed and turned and got up and down the rest of the night. Surprisingly she woke up in a great mood.

Gracie played boneless girl again when I took her to daycare, but once she saw they had music on she was a happy girl. She blew me a kiss and didn't fuss at all when I left. That was nice. Jeff picked Gracie up from daycare and when I got home she was happy to see me. She was watching her sign language video and wanted me to join her, so she sat on my lap til the end while daddy made us supper. I could get used to this.

After supper Gracie took a bath and for the first time since she was a baby peed in the tub. So we had to give her some rinsing and extra washing. Gracie was in a very good mood for most of the night. She carried her "Big Sister, Little Sister" book around the house for awhile. Do you think she is trying to tell us she wants a sister? Hmmmm.

Gracie is now sleeping soundly and I think I better go to bed too in case it's another rough night.

Sweet dreams to you.

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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