Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday - Started Out Rough, Ended Nicely

Gracie awoke at 7:00 a.m. and seemed to be in a good mood, but as we got ready for church it was evident that she either didn't feel great or was still tired. She had many little tantrums over literally nothing. Then she would be fine. Her nose was a constant faucet and she sounded like there was a lot of congestion in her nasal cavity. We were all ready for church and we went back and forth over whether or not we should take her. As the tantrums became more frequent, I decided to stay home with her and I'm glad I did. Her morning was a little rough, but I gave her lots of TLC, some snuggling, and we read books and listened to music.

Gracie took a nap after lunch and that was exactly what she needed. Once she woke up she was in a great mood. Daddy and Grace watched the football game. Yay Vikings!!! I chatted on the phone with my mom and then ran out for a quick errand. When I returned a short time later we headed out to the mall to buy a couple of baby gifts. It was evident that Gracie needed to get out of the house. We stopped and got a smoothie after we were all done. Gracie and I shared a non-dairy one. I got a spoon to give her a bite and she took it, but didn't seem happy about it. Then I offered her a second one and she refused it. Come to find out, she didn't want to be fed it, she wanted to suck it out of the straw like mommy and daddy.

Gracie was in a great mood tonight. We played "chase" and lots of fun action games. Gracie loves this. As she got more tired, she just wanted to be up on my back. So I just let her hang back there with her head all snuggly on my back. Every once in a while I would get a hug. I have made a new rule that she can't get up on my back without giving me a kiss.

Oh and Gracie had great fun today playing with the toilet in her new doll house that she got for Christmas. She kept signing "potty", then when I said the word, she repeated it and kept telling me that was the "potty". As if that wasn't enough, I got sound effects of what it sounds like when someone is going potty. She was hysterical.

She is now sleeping soundly. Sweet dreams.

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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