Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tuesday - Another Happy Day

Gracie had another really good night, however, she woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Nothing was right with the world. I gave her extra snuggles, I gave her some floor time just to veg, I put on music, but the bottom line was she was still tired.

I took Gracie to daycare and she mellowed out on the ride there. She was not sure she wanted to stay, but that is the theme lately. She is at the age where she knows how to make mom and dad feel guilty. Gracie had a good day. She ate a good lunch and played outside. Daddy picked her up and they visited with Grandma and Grandpa D for a little while, as well as Great Aunt Ann and Great Uncle Denny. There were telltale signs of M&M's on Gracie's shirt when she got home -- I think Grandma was spoiling her. Jeff mentioned that Gracie signed "more" again when prompted.

Gracie ate a good supper and then we headed outdoors for a stroller ride/walk. Gracie is really becoming aware of her surroundings, she notices the trees and the birds. All things that really didn't even hit her sense of awareness. She wants to touch all the leaves and many times, I just stop and let her. Tonight we stopped and I let her feel the needles on a pine tree. She thought that was pretty neat. She was so tired on the first part of the stroller ride, but got her second wind the second half of the trip and was singing and talking and yelling in happiness. Her arms and legs were going a mile a minute too. When we got home, Gracie took her car for a spin and then it was bath time. She was a splashing machine.

She was so tired tonight, it took her mere seconds to fall asleep. She hasn't moved since I layed her on the bed.

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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