Thursday, August 4, 2011

Wednesday - A Very Very Good Girl

Gracie had a great day again yesterday.  She is healthy and happy and generally, just plain agreeable.  She still knows her mind and her wants (and I wouldn't have it any other way), she just doesn't seem to need to meltdown when she doesn't get her way immediately.  For example, last night I was busy and couldn't immediately help her start the video she wanted to watch on the computer.  I suggested a couple of alternative things for her to do until I could help her.  To each of my suggestions, she replied "no".  I explained that I could not help her at the moment, could she go to her room and find a book or a toy to play with for a little bit.  The next thing I know, she trots off to her room, grabs a book, lays on her bed and begins to read. 

At daycare yesterday, Gracie got to swim in the kiddie pool, go to the park, play on the playset in the backyard and had a really good day.  She did get sad and cried when the two year old grabbed her and started to drag her somewhere she didn't want to go.  It took a few minutes to comfort her, but she did not get grabby or pinchy, which we've been working on getting her not to do.  Words seem to escape her at times like these, so we've been working very hard on trying to help her know which words to use. 

Last night Jeff had to work late, so Gracie and I got to hang out.  She ate a good supper, then we headed outside to play.  We took a walk/stroller ride and Barbie Cinderella had to come along.  Gracie was excited to see a hot air balloon in the sky and the clouds.  She is very into clouds lately and is very proud to point out the clouds to us.  Then it was bath time.  Gracie got some new light up rubber ducks for her birthday - they light up and change colors when you put them in water.  She had a great time with those in the tub!

Daddy came home just about the time we were headed for bed.  Gracie was so excited to see him.  She had been asking for him all night long.  Gracie had another restless night.  She has gained 5 lbs. since we last increased her seizure meds and I sometimes see this kind of restlessness at night, right before we experience daytime seizure breakthrough, so I have a note into her neurologist to see if it might be a good idea to increase her seizure meds. 

Gracie was a happy girl this morning until it was time for daycare, she wanted to go outside and play, not go outside to the van to travel to daycare.  She eventually came around.

We are definitely enjoying the less humid days.  I hope you are as well.

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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