Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Weekend

Gracie woke up on Saturday and was in a good mood. Gracie and daddy hung out together in the morning and I got back home a little after 11:00 a.m., just in time to head to an adoption celebraton at Catholic Charities...November is National Adoption Awareness Month. Gracie had a good time, but it was a little hard to socialize as Gracie just wanted to walk the halls. We did chat with some families we knew and met some others. There were games for the kids and seeing the other children her age, we were reminded that she is definitely about a year younger developmentally than her actual age. She charmed many with her smile, her love of dancing, and even though she wasn't able to understand the concept of the games, she was given prizes and treated very well. Her favorite prize was the mini cupcakes.

Gracie was very tired as the party interfered with her naptime, so we headed home for a few z's. Gracie was very moody after she woke up. We did run out for a quick errand and Gracie got to see light up Santa's and snowmen and she loved it.

Gracie's tummy started acting up. Not sure if it was something she ate or a bug of some sort, but the diapers got so nasty that at one point, the Pampers that we swear by didn't hold it all in. The poop was EVERYWHERE. Daddy got to clean that one up.

Gracie was very much a mommy's girl and wanted to be held ALOT.

Today Gracie was mommy's girl again, but was in a good mood. She needed alot of snuggling this morning and I suspect her tummy might have still been bothering her a bit. She was a very good girl today and amazed us with her words and awareness. She was watching Dora on a video and was drinking juice out of her Dora sippy cup. She had to point out to me that Dora was on her cup too.

Gracie LOVES when her Mickey and Minnie Mouse figurines talk to her. She wants either Jeff or I to hold both of them and do the entertaining. Today I noticed her a couple of times with both of them in hand and she was doing the talking for them. Mostly sounds rather than words, but her imagination is starting to blossom.

Auntie Kathy and cousins Maria and Josh came to visit for a little while today. Gracie was happy to visit and especially enjoyed spinning Auntie Kathy in our computer chair.
After nap it was a pretty lazy afternoon to play and just hang out. I think we all needed that.
Gracie LOVES money! She gets excited when she sees it. She has a book from school that she pretty much knows by heart and she says alot of the words. It is a book to help with speech. Anyway, the book repeats "Natalie likes..." with different items such as a ball, swing, daddy, etc. So Jeff is reading it to her and so he reads "Natalie likes...", the answer was supposed to be a ball. Gracie as confident as can be says "money"! Nowhere in this book is money mentioned. We both cracked up and she was pretty proud of herself.

Gracie got to have a sucker tonight. She loved that.

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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