Monday, September 14, 2009

Monday - Busy Day

Gracie had a good night and I had to wake her up this morning. She was sleeping so soundly and peacefully, I hated to disturb her. She was in a good mood this morning and enjoyed helping daddy eat his breakfast. The crazy kid loves drinking daddy's grapefruit juice. Go figure.

Gracie had a good day at daycare. When I went to pick her up she had just sat down for snack time. Barb suggested Gracie take hers with as we had a PT appointment. When Gracie heard this she shook her head "no". She wanted to eat with the other kids. I let her finish her rice krispie bar and drink a little juice but then we had to head out.

Gracie was very snuggly and wasn't sure she wanted to participate in PT. But Sandy coaxed her on to the big exercise ball and they sang and played "row, row, row, your boat". Suddenly smiles showed up!!!! Gracie said a few words for Sandy and showed her how to sign "horse". She also climbed up and down the steps with Sandy and she was impressed with Gracie's improvement. We still have a long way to go, but she is doing good.

After PT we ran to the clinic for an evening appointment to have Gracie's ears checked. No infection, so we aren't sure why she is always pulling at her ears and telling us they hurt. The doctor we saw suggested she might be getting some back teeth, but we can't see any signs of that.

Gracie was tired tonight. She didn't eat much for supper -- I think she was just too tired. So I gave her some milk and put her to bed. She was happy to lay her head on my shoulder. She fell asleep in about two seconds.

Lisa, Jeff, and Gracie

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